Thursday 16 June 2011

Dear Princi!

Hi it's Domingo here.

I hope you and Michelle are very well.

Skye and I have been talking through the possibility of setting up a blog format for your Tour updates. This is a very rough template i made up for you to take a look at. Obviously the name and look of the blog would be entirely up to you. This is the same template I use for my blog which you can see here. Although my blog is mostly full of mindless crap, it is an example for you to see what is possible on exactly the same format. the url address would have at the end of it (your current template is and would mean you setting up a gmail account so you can manage it all yourself. of course the name of the blog can be changed but i'm just wondering if you might be okay with this?

You can write daily just as I am doing, and insert photos etc very easily.

(I'm sure you know the format/advantages of a blog).

If you'd like I could design you a picture to go at the top of it, with some information for your readers etc. There are all sorts of different fonts, colour schemes you can play with too.

I will send this to Skye and hopefully she can send it on to you. If the idea takes your fancy, then i could get one of my friends to help out and you could get pretty pro with the whole thing for future tours maybe? Please let me know if there's anything i can do to help or clarify.

I'm seriously pumped for this year's Tour. will Contador be shot after the Giro? Can Basso pull off cualcosa bellisima? arrgagahah it's so exciting!

Love Domingo